The Paris Clinical Group for the Study of Trauma,
PTSD & Dissociation

The Paris Clinical Group was formed to provide education and peer support to theraptists who treat complex post-traumatic and dissociative disorders. It was formed to provide a place for clinicians treating trauma disorders to increase their knowledge and understanding of trauma, dissociation, dysfunctional attachment, and associated post-traumatic syndromes. The goal of this group is to provide a place in which colleagues can decrease isolation, share resources, update skills, decrease the impact of the work on the self of the therapist, and maintain high standards of ethical and professional practice. Supervision of members is not a function of the group. However it is a place to stimulate theoretical discussions and debate on evolving personal and case-based issues, and to network in a relaxed professional and confidential environment.

Official Component Group status was conferred upon the Paris Clinical Group by the International Society for the Study of Trauma & Dissociation (ISSTD) in early 2007. Membership in the ISSTD is not required but is encouraged.

Group participation is limited to licensed professionals, research academics, agency clinicians, individuals under supervision for licensure, and students in graduate counseling, psychology, psychiatry, or clinical/experimental research programs.

For more information or to join the group, contact:

Stephanie O. Kleindorfer, PsyD

Until the members decide otherwise, participation in the Paris Clinical Group will be free and will provisionally meet at the home of Dr. Kleindorfer beginnng in the fall of 2007. The primary language will be English, although Franglais participants are warmly welcomed to join.


© 2007. All rights reserved.
content by Stephanie O. Kleindorfer :: design by Bodega Designs

The content of this website reflects the perspectives of Stephanie O. Kleindorfer, PysD, and is not to be regarded as psychological or medical advice, nor as a substitution for professional consultation and treatment.